Oecetis fibra
The new species can be distinguished from the others of Quaria by the presence of a pair of sclerotized, cylindrical dorsolateral processes, bent ventrad on the posterior half of almost the same length as the phallic apparatus. An additional character is the long phallus with no projections and a long endotheca.
Male: Body length 5.5 mm (n=6). Forewing length 6.7 mm (n=6).
Head: Color pale yellow (alcohol). Antennae very long, about 3 times as long as forewings; scape stout;
pedicel cylindrical. Maxillary palps pale yellow, densely covered by setae, 5-segmented, all segments subequal in
length and width. Labial palps pale yellow, 4-segmented.
Thorax: pale yellow. Forewings flat, without spots or bands (Fig. 1A). Hind wings with forks I, III and V (Fig.
1B); row of long setae along base of posterior margin. Legs pale yellow. Midlegs each with longitudinal row of
spines over inner distal half of femur, all along tibia and tarsal segments. Tibial spurs on successive legs on each
side 0,2,2.
Abdomen: Membranous and without modifications on segments I–VIII. Sclerotized segment IX annular and
narrow, bearing pair of cylindrical dorsolateral processes, curved ventrad and nearly forming semicircle, tapering
apically, as long as phallic apparatus in lateral view (Fig. 1D); dorsolateral processes curved mesad to midline in
dorsal view (Fig. 1C). Preanal appendages cylindrical, apex digitate, barely exceeding length of rodlike dorsomesal
process of tergum X (upper part of tergum X, Chen 1993), setose. Rodlike dorsomesal process of tergum X,
between preanal appendages, slightly longer than the preanal appendages, with small apical setae in dorsal view
(Fig. 1C). Body of tergum X (lower part of tergum X, Chen 1993) semi membranous, divided medially by V-
shaped incision, forming two processes apically, each broad basally and acute apically in dorsal view (Fig. 1C).
Inferior appendages each 1-segmented, long, broad basally and with posterior portion digitate, setose, with small,
rounded basal hump dorsally in lateral view (Fig. 1D); ventral lobe rounded, smooth, in lateral view (Fig. 1D),
quadrate in ventral view (Fig. 1E). Phallus long, slightly asymmetrical (Fig. 1G), about as long as dorsolateral
processes of tergum IX, curved ventrad (Figs. 1D, 1F).